
Sorry haven’t posted in a while. Just haven’t felt like it . What has happened in the past couple days. I failed my test I’ve been studying for so I have to retake it again next Monday.  I’m still working 5am-2’s at work and I’ve found out I get to work midnight next week. And I went out two times this week so I’m even more broke. In other words, life is great. Happy tuesday

The Depression Part

I guess I should talk about the depression part of the name. When I was 12 I was diagnosed with clinical depression. So being a drunk on top of that probably isn’t the best thing. People you claim to be depressed off of what they read on Google pissed me off. Just because Google says it, doesn’t mean it’s true. I will get into my childhood in a later post. Posting stuff while at work isn’t the easiest thing to do.

New Blog

Whoops. This was supposed to be the first post but forgot to save it. Oh well, it’s here now.

So starting my blog over. Everyone needs a fresh start every once in awhile right? Basically this is going to be a way for me to vent a little. I will try keep the content mixed. I will be talking about movies, music, my life and anything new I see in the news. If anyone ends up reading this, hope you enjoy.


So I’m thinking about trying to write on here everyday, with a different theme every day. Today is not going to count, just because it’s day 1 and I just started. Even with my 1 theme a day thing, if a rant comes on I will just post it.